the 68th annual duchaine reunion will be held on August 4th, 2023 in warren, pa. hosting this year will be the Matthew Allen family, DESCENDANTS of Pearl and Hugh McClellan.
THE 67TH annual DUCHAINE REUNION Was HELD ON sunday, august 6, 2023, it was HOSTED BY the steve calarco and kevin jaynes families AT BETTS PARK IN WARREN, PA. COFFEE AND DONUTS were followed by A POTLUCK LUNCHEON AT 1PM. The weather cooperated; warm and dry, as 31 family members gathered. someone suggested peach or orange mimosas for next years arrival time! hmmmmmm??? or yummmm???
grace was given by bernie hessley, sr
visitors were ron law and dawn swager
The following reports were made:
golfing was enjoyed by five individuals and it was a beautiful day! 18 enjoyed dinner together at ribs and bones on saturday night - a lot of fun and will plan for next year as well.
Births: None
one death: Jeffrey duchaine, westfield, ny, passed away july 7, 2023.
three marriages:
holly gollnitz to adam kackermeyer, november 1, 2021
gabriel jaynes to kimberly donher, april 15, 2023
alexandra allen to jonathan summerville, may 27, 2023
youngest present: alec hasson age 6
most experienced: charlotte calarco
traveled furthest: matthew allen from maine (695 miles)
website had 181 visitors over past year and was renewed for another two years at a cost of $190. pavillion rental cost $105 and coffee and donuts were $40.
dawn jaynes made a lovely lazy susan for a raffle prize, it was won by gina gollnitz
2022 family reunion
Clockwise top left: susan & janice (murray), bob & Jeff duchaine, matthew allen family, kimberly & matt (collins-snow) & bernie hessley
Potluck luncheon - always yummy!
General Information
The DuChaine family reunion is held annually on the first Sunday in August. The first reunion was held in 1956 at the Lincoln family cottage and was hosted by Edward and Molly (Lincoln) DuChaine. Forty family members were present.
The following was recorded in the 1956 secretary’s minutes:
A picnic dinner was served on the lawn in front of the cottage at 2:30pm. Mrs. Hugh McClellan of Tiona, PA acted as secretary, games were played by young and old. Much fun was had swimming and boat riding, cards were enjoyed in the evening. The highlight of the day was the unexpected dive off the dock in front of the cottage by Master Chris Jaynes, age 2 years, and the heroic rescue of Chris by cousin Gene DuChaine of Mayville, accompanied by much laughing and cheering from the gang on shore. The oldest member present was Harry DuChaine of Toronto, Canada. The youngest member was Master Richard McClellan of Sheffield, PA.
Each year a business meeting is held, minutes taken, and hosts for the following year are selected. The hosts determine the location of the reunion. Recent reunions have been held in Warren, PA and Westfield, NY. Reminder postcards and emails are sent to family members who have submitted their addresses to the secretary. Local parks, with rental pavilions, are generally utilized.
A typical family reunion begins around 11 am with donuts and coffee for the “early birds”. The hosts arrive early to run extension cords, set up two or three picnic tables for the potluck dishes, get the coffee perking and then before you know it family members start arriving with their picnic baskets holding their contribution to the potluck dinner, tableware, and their own beverages and meat dish. Dinner time is determined, and announced, by the hosts in their postcard announcement - generally the dining begins between 1 and 2pm.
Following the meal a brief business meeting occurs, which the hosts chair. One person goes through the items of business, while the other volunteer takes the minutes. Business includes recording births, deaths, weddings – a count of family members present – who traveled the farthest – who is the oldest/youngest – and taking a collection to help defray expenses for the next year’s reunion.
At the conclusion of the meeting, games are held for both children and adults with winners receiving prizes. In addition, some members meet on Saturday morning for a round of golf and that is entered into the minutes as well. The afternoon is spent visiting with each other, eating, playing games, eating, and more visiting!
So, unlike other families who only see each other at weddings and funerals, the DuChaines always have a carefree summer day to spend together, catching up on family news and enjoying each other’s company. See you in August!